Multi Modal Logistics Park

Balmer Lawrie has set up a Multimodal Logistics Park (MMLP) at Visakhapatnam in a joint venture (JV) with M/s Visakhapatnam Port Authority (VPA) for handling EXIM and Domestic cargo. The MMLP is set up on a 53 acre land. The unit also has a railway connectivity with a 1.30 km length track, where two rakes can be handled in a day. The hub is the only facility to have direct connectivity with the port for seamless movement of laden Import and Export boxes to and from the port to the MMLP.

Services offered:

EXIM – CFS, bonded warehouse, bonded open area, covered warehouse, reefer plug points, temperature-controlled warehouse, open storage, rail siding and hazardous cargo storage. The CFS has covered warehouse space of more than 80,000 sqft and open bonded storage area for storing and handling Exim cargo 

Domestic: Covered warehouse, temperature controlled warehouse, open cargo storage, hazardous / non-hazardous cargo handling, railway siding, container depot,  container repair and maintenance  and truck parking.